Research Project Betar Professional School Darsmatdt, Germany 1947-48
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The Professional School Darmstadt 1947-48
Moshe Mordchelewitz - INTERVIEWS
Skype June 20, 2009

Moshe Mordechelewitz Conversation with Lea Dror-Batalion
Translated from Hebrew
Moshe: Lea, you ned to understand that I left the school and I can't tell you what happened there after I left.
I took a large container with a lot of materials to Israel. I do not know what was in the comtainer. It took them a lot of time to pay me for the shipping costs. It took them a few month. I gave it to the Center in Tel Aviv. There were two parties, that of Begin and Herut. the revisionists where with Begin.

During the preparations for the first electionI was in the army but the Central committee recruited me and I received a leave of absence for a month. I was in charge of organizing the beitar youth in the country. I was sitting at the center at the Mezuda Ze'ev and after the elections I returned to the army.

Lea, there are a few things that I told you that you did not write in the website:
Att he central committee in Munich there was Gideon Abramowitz, the head of Beta in Germany.
Another activis was Mordechai Sandberg who was in charge of finances of the Betar organization. He gave money to the Betar Professional School in Damstadt. He was in contact with your father. He supported the school.
There was Shlomo Kor, (died in June 2008), he was one of the leaders of Betar in Europe. He came from Riga and I saw him one day in Israel.
Eliyahu Blankenfeld was in charge of Sport activities.
Yizchak Finkelstein was in the Brigade and was in charge of the military discipline and order and organized excercises.
We had a lot of contact with Sandberg since he supported the school.
Your father and I, took sometimes the train to Munden and then we went to Munich to have meetings for an hour or more at the Center. We then also gave our report of the activities of the school.

For More Information Please Contact: Lea Dror-Batalion :
Administrative Services and Webmaster Jewish Professional School, Darmstadt 1947 Haifa, Israel