Research Project Betar Professional School Darsmatdt, Germany 1947-48
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The Professional School Darmstadt 1947- 48
Thanks - many still to be added

My main thanks goes to Henning Sietz, the author of the book, "Attentat auf Adenauer"which appeared in Munich 2004.. Henning Sietz an independent journalist who during his researches came accross my father s name and tried to make inqueries about my father and contacted us. This was the beginning of a long virgil to find infromation about Samuel Batalion and his previous wife Sophie Batalion. He reveiled an immense wealth of information of which, I, Lea Batalion-Dror, had never been aware of. Henning Sietz has all these years ( I began in 2006) encouraged me to continue my search and research.
I also must thank the Israeli school system and my daughter Natalie Dror, who wrote a paper in hight school and spoke to her grandparents was able to receive some information about their lifes.

memorable picture

The next person is Moshe Mordechelewitz, the dear friend and teacher(madrich) at the school. Moshe who has held me as a baby in this arms (we both have this so memorable picture)and who I have know all my life. Yet, it is only lately that I have began to ask him questions and his recollections are a treasure for me and for history.
His memories need to be preserved and told.
Renate Dreesen for joining me in 2010. The plan of an exhibition may have stayed a dream without her tremendous efforts and encouragment.
Susanne Urban for encouraging me and giving me ideas. For engaging a team at the Research center at the Arolsen Archives. We went a large step ahead with all the significant information that they found.
Ursula Schneider, the secretary of Oberst Rose, who answer my search for traces of the school and came to meet me. She translated Oberst Rose's speech at the Opening Ceremony into German.
Thanks go to the Fraenkel Family, Hanke, Ritu and Nick and Martha Schmetterling
Viola Rautenberg for listening to me and giving me ideas
Dani Inbar who has a sevice for "Tracing and Finding Relatives in Israel and Abroad" He helped me find the children of the student couple Marantz and is still trying to find others.
Micha Brumlik, Doron Kiesel, Michael Brenner, Dan Diner
Darmstadt, Staatsarchive -
Alexander-Haas-Bibliothek Darmstadt
Frau Gabriella Deppert und Herr Hans-Rainer Rechel for helping me in the library and for sending me all the pictures of the building
The Darmstaedter Echo for doing excellent journalistic work and to Alesandra Welsch for publishing the article "Spurensuche nach juedischer Schule"(Search for Traces of the Jewish School)
For More Information Please Contact: Lea Dror-Batalion :
Administrative Services and Webmaster Jewish Professional School, Darmstadt 1947 Haifa, Israel