Research Project Betar Professional School Darsmatdt, Germany 1947-48
Find the students in the picture
Betar School Site

The Vocational School Masada Darmstadt 1947-48
The Students and Teachers in the School

The number of students varies within the time period.
We found all together 59 registrations cards in which the Jewish Vocational School is mentioned.
The registration cards of the students contains numerous information about the students past, their present status and their future plans and when they left the city.
The Hebrew names have been added to list of the students and extensive efforts are made to find survisors or their families.
We know much less about the teachers than the students.
We know that Moshe Mordchelewitz was the Madrich, the youth guide, counselor, betar guide and teacher of Hebrew, Judaism and Jewish history and the history of Eretz Jisrael.
Other teachers that we could identify are from the pictures that we found of the workshops and the cards that we found.
We could not identify the teachers in the pictures

The other teachers are Feliks Fluss and Simon Klorfine.
During the exhibition in Darmstadt, a person came forward and said that his friend, who unfortunately has passed away, Phillip Becker, was a teacher at the school. We know that there were also German teachers at the school and he was most probably one of them.

The pictures of the students can be found in the different photos that Samuel Batalion accumulated and they were his only existing memory of the school.
The various pictures can be classified as:
1. School Inauguration
2. School Office
3. Classes and Workshops
4. Betar Classes
5. Living Quarters
6. School Activities
The statistical data collected shows that the students
1. The Average age of the students was 22 years old with the oldest student. The youngest was 13 and the oldest 33.
2. Most of the students spoke 3-4 languages.
3. The most spoken languages were Yiddish and German followed by Polish and Rumanien. Some spoke Hungarian, Russian and Hebrew.
4. Most of the students originated from Poland and a significant number from Russia.
5. Almost all students expressed the wish to immigrate to Palestine. 19 student left for Palestine on 3.7.1948. Only a few stated that they wanted to immigrate to the USA or stay in Germany.

Samuel Milek Batalion Samuel Batalion Student living in Frankfurt?

Identify Students

Student List

Students Living


School Building
For More Information Please Contact: Lea Dror-Batalion :
Administrative Services and Webmaster Jewish Professional School, Darmstadt 1947 Haifa, Israel